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The Real ME!

Mala Patodia

All my life I have wanted to be free,

Free to fly and roam the skies,

To spread my wings and feel the breeze,

Oh, what do I need to feel so free?

A tremor inside of me to be free,

And yet what does the word free mean to me,

I yearn to be free to be the Real Me,

What stops me then to be truly Me?

The need to please and oh, to belong,

The fear of rejection perhaps?

To not be revered, appreciated and loved?

Why oh why am I not able to be Me?

I step out gingerly of my armour,

To feel the rush of heat upon my face,

Only to rush back in with trepidation,

What is stopping me to step out again?

Saying Yes when I want to say No,

Yet saying No to myself constantly,

Self-doubt creeps in on me again,

Oh, what will it take for me to be Me?

What are the stories in my head?

That stop me in my stead,

A little voice in the corner of my mind,

Is that voice truly mine?

What do I have now that I can lose?

Who do I need to enlist and support?

How can I rise above and soar?

Oh, I do so want to be ME.

What if I do not get to be free?

Can I continue to give and care?

Why then is resentment creeping in?

Is it really selfish to self-care?

Who has ever stopped me to be Me,

To hold my head proudly and stride,

Find a voice that is truly mine,

I am the only obstacle to Me!

As I begin to look inward,

I find the real Mala somewhere,

Waiting with innocence and excitement,

Oh, I have to let her out!

The sum of my experiences I may be,

Yet I also find the child Mala,

Giggling and weeping with joy and love,

Yes, I am unabashedly the above!

Unrestrained I am and limitless,

There are no shackles ever,

I smile freely and live ever so free,

Free to Fly, yes, this is ME!

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